Bats & Battleships is Jason Breen, Chelsea Feneley, Nikki Fitzsummons and Dylan McCrae.


Hey everyone,

We've been busy playing some shows around Newcastle and making our final preparations before we get stuck into recording. We still have 6 weeks or so before we commence, which gives us enough time to finish off the tracks we haven't done yet and get all our ducks in a row.

We have enough time to get in one more show before I head off with one of my other bands to play some shows along the east coast, with possibly one more after that. The first will be on the 24th at the Hamilton Station hotel, at around 9pm. We're going to try and fit in as much as we can material wise, so we'd love to see as many people there as possible. Tell your friends! bring your puppy!

For now I'll leave it at this, but I have some posts coming up very soon which I need to work on a bit more. Keep your eyes peeled.


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